Posts Tagged ‘tutorial’

In this article I will discuss about the entity mapping procedure in JPA. As for my examples I will use the same schema that I used in one of my previous articles.

In my two previous articles I explained how to set up JPA in a Java SE environment. I do not intend to write the setup procedure for a web application because most of the tutorials on the web do exactly that. So let’s skip over directly to object relational mapping, or entity mapping.

Wikipedia defines Object Relational Mapping as follows –

Object-relational mapping (ORM, O/RM, and O/R mapping) in computer science is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages. This creates, in effect, a “virtual object database” that can be used from within the programming language. There are both free and commercial packages available that perform object-relational mapping, although some programmers opt to create their own ORM tools.

Typically, mapping is the process through which you provide necessary information about your database to your ORM tool. The tool then uses this information to read/write objects into the database. Usually you tell your ORM tool the table name to which an object of a certain type will be saved. You also provide column names to which an object’s properties will be mapped to. Relation between different object types also need to be specified. All of these seem to be a lot of tasks, but fortunately JPA follows what is known as “Convention over Configuration” approach, which means if you adopt to use the default values provided by JPA, you will have to configure very little parts of your applications.

In order to properly map a type in JPA, you will at a minimum need to do the following –

  1. Mark your class with the @Entity annotation. These classes are called entities.
  2. Mark one of the properties/getter methods of the class with the @Id annotation.

And that’s it. Your entities are ready to be saved into the database because JPA configures all other aspects of the mapping automatically. This also shows the productivity gain that you can enjoy by using JPA. You do not need to manually populate your objects each time you query the database, saving you from writing lots of boilerplate code.

Let’s see an example. Consider the following Address entity which I have mapped according to the above two rules –

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

public class Address {
  private Integer id;

  private String street;
  private String city;
  private String province;
  private String country;
  private String postcode;

   * @return the id
  public Integer getId() {
    return id;

   * @param id the id to set
  public Address setId(Integer id) { = id;
    return this;

   * @return the street
  public String getStreet() {
    return street;

   * @param street the street to set
  public Address setStreet(String street) {
    this.street = street;
    return this;

   * @return the city
  public String getCity() {
    return city;

   * @param city the city to set
  public Address setCity(String city) { = city;
    return this;

   * @return the province
  public String getProvince() {
    return province;

   * @param province the province to set
  public Address setProvince(String province) {
    this.province = province;
    return this;

   * @return the country
  public String getCountry() {
    return country;

   * @param country the country to set
  public Address setCountry(String country) { = country;
    return this;

   * @return the postcode
  public String getPostcode() {
    return postcode;

   * @param postcode the postcode to set
  public Address setPostcode(String postcode) {
    this.postcode = postcode;
    return this;

Now based on your environment, you may or may not add this entity declaration in your persistence.xml file, which I have explained in my previous article.

Ok then, let’s save some object! The following code snippet does exactly that –

import com.keertimaan.javasamples.jpaexample.entity.Address;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import com.keertimaan.javasamples.jpaexample.persistenceutil.PersistenceManager;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    EntityManager em = PersistenceManager.INSTANCE.getEntityManager();

    Address address = new Address().setId(1)
    System.out.println("addess is saved! It has id: " + address.getId());

    Address anotherAddress = new Address().setId(2)
        .setCity("Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo")
        .setStreet("Shinagawa Seaside Area");
    System.out.println("anotherAddress is saved! It has id: " + anotherAddress.getId());


Let’s take a step back at this point and think what we needed to do if we had used plain JDBC for persistence. We had to manually write the insert queries and map each of the attributes to the corresponding columns for both cases, which would have required a lot of code.

An important point to note about the example is the way I am setting the id of the entities. This approach will only work for short examples like this, but for real applications this is not good. You’d typically want to use, say, auto-incremented id columns or database sequences to generate the id values for your entities. For my example, I am using a MySQL database, and all of my id columns are set to auto increment. To reflect this in my entity model, I can use an additional annotation called @GeneratedValue in the id property. This tells JPA that the id value for this entity will be automatically generated by the database during the insert, and it should fetch that id after the insert using a select command.

With the above modifications, my entity class becomes something like this –

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;

public class Address {
  private Integer id;

  // Rest of the class code........

And the insert procedure becomes this –

Address anotherAddress = new Address()
    .setCity("Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo")
    .setStreet("Shinagawa Seaside Area");

How did JPA figure out which table to use to save Address entities? Turns out, it’s pretty straight-forward –

  1. When no explicit table information is provided with the mapping then JPA tries to find a table whose name matches with the entity name.
  2. The name of an entity can be explicitly specified by using the “name” attribute of the @Entity annotation. If no name attribute is found, then JPA assumes a default name for an entity.
  3. The default name of an entity is the simple name (not fully qualified name) of the entity class, which in our case is Address. So our entity name is then determined to be “Address”.
  4. Since our entity name is “Address”, JPA tries to find if there is a table in the database whose name is “Address” (remember, most of the cases database table names are case-insensitive). From our schema, we can see  that this is indeed the case.

So how did JPA figure our which columns to use to save property values for address entities?

At this point I think you will be able to easily guess that. If you cannot, stay tuned for my next post!

Until next time.

[ Full working code can be found at github.]

In my previous article, I have written a sample example showing how to configure JPA for running it in a Java SE environment. I also showed a sample persistence.xml file which looks like below –

<persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

  <persistence-unit name="jpa-example" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

      <!-- Configuring JDBC properties -->
      <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/jpa_example" />
      <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="root" />
      <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="my_root_password" />
      <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />

      <!-- Hibernate properties -->
      <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
      <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true" />
      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect" />
      <property name="" value="validate" />

      <!-- Configuring Connection Pool -->
      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="5" />
      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="20" />
      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="500" />
      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="50" />
      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" value="2000" />

Those who are only starting out on JPA, please let me explain some of the components of this configuration.

The first section is used for configuring JDBC connection that will be used by the persistence provider. Usually we specify the JDBC url, database username, password and fully qualified name of the Driver class in this section. The second section configures some property values for hibernate, and is explained below –

  1. The “hibernate.show_sql” property specifies whether or not hibernate will print the queries in the log file (provided that you have configured log4j properly). This is specially helpful if you want to view which queries are being executed for reading/writing/deleting some entities. In the production environment you can set to false if you want so that the queries will not be logged.
  2. The “hibernate.format_sql” property specifies whether or not the queries will be formatted to a more readable form before logging.
  3. The “hibernate.dialet” property specifies which type of dialects we intend to use. If you do not know what they are then please read this excellent answer on StackOverflow.
  4. The “” property is very interesting one. By changing its value you can enable hibernate to create/drop your database tables for you, or validate an existing schema against your mapping. This has also been explained very well on StackOverflow.

The last section configures the connection pool that hibernate will use for the database. Hibernate usually provides a built-in connection pooling mechanism which is good enough for development and testing, but is not suitable for production environment. So to get the optimal connection pooling behavior in production you need to use something more mature. C3P0 is a popular production-grade connection pooling library which is very easy to use with Hibernate. All you need to do is just specify the property values like minimum/maximum number of connections in the pool, timeout values etc., and the rest will be taken care of by Hibernate.

There is also another important point that I have skipped in the last article. In order for the entities to be found by the persistence provider in a Java SE environment, they will have to be listed in the persistence.xml file as follows –

<persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


  <!-- rest of the contents -->

Doing this will ensure that your entities will be found by the persistence provider and will be ready for persistence. However, hibernate auto-scans the packages for classes marked with the “Entity” annotation and make them persistent, so we did not have to worry about that. Keep in mind that this is also the case when you use JPA in a Java EE environment (i.e., your application runs in a full-blown application server). In this case the application server scans the application during its deployment and finds the classes marked as entities. If you run your application in a Java SE environment using a provider which does not have this type of auto scanning ability, then you will be required to list the entities in the persistence.xml file like above.

That’s it for setting up JPA in a Java SE environment. Hopefully once you have this setup you will be easily able to persist your entities without much trouble.

JPA stands for Java Persistence API, which basically is a specification that describes a way to persist data into a persistent storage, usually a database. We can think of it as something similar to ORM tools like Hibernate, except that it is an official part of the Java EE specification (and it’s also supported on Java SE).

There are many reasons to learn an ORM tool like JPA. I will not go into the details of this because there are already many posts on the web which perfectly answer this question, like this one, or this one. However, we should also keep in mind that this is not a single magic bullet which will solve our every problem.

When I first started out with JPA, I had real difficulties to set it up because most of the articles on the web are written for Java EE environment only, whereas I was trying to use it in a Java SE environment. I hope that this article will be helpful for those who wish to do the same in the future.

In this example we will use Maven to set up our required dependencies. Since JPA is only a specification, we will also need an implementation. There are many good implementations of JPA available freely (like EclipseLink, Hibernate etc.). For this article I have chosen to use Hibernate. As for the database, I will use MySQL.

Let us first create a simple maven project. I have created mine using the quick start archetype from the command line. If you do not know how to do that, you can follow this tutorial.

OK, so let us get the dependencies for the JPA next. Include the following lines in your pom.xml –


The first dependency specifies the standard JPA interface, and the second one specifies the implementation. Including JPA dependencies this way is desirable because it gives us the freedom to switch vendor-specific implementation in the future without much problem (see details here). However we will not be able to use the latest version of the API this way because the API version 1.0.2 is the last version that is released as an independent JAR. At the time of writing this article, the latest version of the JPA specification is 2.1 which is not available independently (there are lots of requests for it though). If we want to use that one now then our only options are to choose from either a vendor-specific JAR or use an application server which provides the API along with its implementation. I have decided to use the API specification provided by Hibernate. In that case including only the following dependency will suffice –


Next step is to include the dependency for MySQL. Include the following lines in your pom.xml –


After including the rest of the dependencies (i.e., jUnit, Hamcrest etc.) the full pom.xml looks like below –

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""





    <!-- JPA -->

    <!-- For connection pooling -->

    <!-- Database -->

    <!-- Test -->


Now it’s time to configure our database. I will use the following schema in all of my future JPA examples which I found from this excellent online book

Database Schema

Database Schema

Create an equivalent database following the above schema in your local MySQL installation.

Our next step is to create the persistence.xml file which will contain our database specific information for JPA to use. By default JPA expects this file to be in the class path under the META-INF folder. For our maven project, I have created this file under project_root/src/main/resources/META-INF folder –

<persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

  <persistence-unit name="jpa-example" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

    <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/jpa_example" />
    <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="root" />
    <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="my_root_password" />
    <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />

    <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
    <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true" />
    <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect" />
    <property name="" value="validate" />

    <!-- Configuring Connection Pool -->
    <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="5" />
    <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="20" />
    <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="500" />
    <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="50" />
    <property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" value="2000" />

The above file requires some explanation if you are an absolute begineer in JPA. In my next article I will try to explain it as much as possible, but for running this example you will only need to change the first three property values to match your environment (namely the database name, username and password). Also keep a note of the value of the name attribute of the persistence-unit element. This value will be used to instantiate our EntityManagerFactory instance later in the code.

Ok, let us now create an entity to test our configuration. Create a class called Address with the following contents –

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Table;

@Table(name = "address")
public class Address {
  private Integer id;

  private String street;
  private String city;
  private String province;
  private String country;
  private String postcode;

   * @return the id
  public Integer getId() {
    return id;

   * @param id the id to set
  public Address setId(Integer id) { = id;
    return this;

   * @return the street
  public String getStreet() {
    return street;

   * @param street the street to set
  public Address setStreet(String street) {
    this.street = street;
    return this;

   * @return the city
  public String getCity() {
    return city;

   * @param city the city to set
  public Address setCity(String city) { = city;
    return this;

   * @return the province
  public String getProvince() {
    return province;

   * @param province the province to set
  public Address setProvince(String province) {
    this.province = province;
    return this;

   * @return the country
  public String getCountry() {
    return country;

   * @param country the country to set
  public Address setCountry(String country) { = country;
    return this;

   * @return the postcode
  public String getPostcode() {
    return postcode;

   * @param postcode the postcode to set
  public Address setPostcode(String postcode) {
    this.postcode = postcode;
    return this;

This class has been properly mapped to the address table and its instances are fully ready to be persisted in the database. Now let us create a helper class called PersistenceManager with the following contents –

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.Persistence;

public enum PersistenceManager {

  private EntityManagerFactory emFactory;

  private PersistenceManager() {
    // "jpa-example" was the value of the name attribute of the
    // persistence-unit element.
    emFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("jpa-example");

  public EntityManager getEntityManager() {
    return emFactory.createEntityManager();

  public void close() {

Now let us write some sample persistence code in our Main method to test everything out –

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Address address = new Address();

    EntityManager em = PersistenceManager.INSTANCE.getEntityManager();


If you check your database, you will see that a new record has been inserted in your address table.

This article explains how to set up JPA without using any other frameworks like Spring. However it is a very good idea to use Spring to set up JPA because in that case we do not need to worry about managing entity managers, transactions etc. Beside setting up JPA, spring is also very good for many other purposes too.

That’s it for today. In the next article I will try to explain the persistence.xml file and the corresponding configuration values as much as possible. Stay tuned!

The full code can be found at github.

This is a continuation of an introductory discussion on Generics, previous parts of which can be found here.

In the last article we were discussing about recursive bounds on type parameters. We saw how recursive bound helped us to reuse the vehicle comparison logic. At the end of that article, I suggested that a possible type mixing may occur when we are not careful enough. Today we will see an example of this.

The mixing can occur if someone mistakenly creates a subclass of Vehicle in the following way –

 * Definition of Vehicle
public abstract class Vehicle<E extends Vehicle<E>> implements Comparable<E> {
    // other methods and properties

    public int compareTo(E vehicle) {
        // method implementation

 * Definition of Bus
public class Bus extends Vehicle<Bus> {}

 * BiCycle, new subtype of Vehicle
public class BiCycle extends Vehicle<Bus> {}

 * Now this class’s compareTo method will take a Bus type
 * as its argument. As a result, you will not be able to compare
 * a BiCycle with another Bicycle, but with a Bus.
cycle.compareTo(anotherCycle);  // This will generate a compile time error
cycle.compareTo(bus);    // but you will be able to do this without any error

This type of mix up does not occur with Enums because JVM takes care of subclassing and creating instances for enum types, but if we use this style in our code then we have to be careful.

Let’s talk about another interesting application of recursive bounds. Consider the following class –

public class MyClass {
  private String attrib1;
  private String attrib2;
  private String attrib3;
  private String attrib4;
  private String attrib5;

  public MyClass() {}

  public String getAttrib1() {
    return attrib1;

  public void setAttrib1(String attrib1) {
    this.attrib1 = attrib1;

  public String getAttrib2() {
    return attrib2;

  public void setAttrib2(String attrib2) {
    this.attrib2 = attrib2;

  public String getAttrib3() {
    return attrib3;

  public void setAttrib3(String attrib3) {
    this.attrib3 = attrib3;

  public String getAttrib4() {
    return attrib4;

  public void setAttrib4(String attrib4) {
    this.attrib4 = attrib4;

  public String getAttrib5() {
    return attrib5;

  public void setAttrib5(String attrib5) {
    this.attrib5 = attrib5;

If we want to create an instance of this class, then we can do this –

MyClass mc = new MyClass();
mc.setAttrib1("Attribute 1");
mc.setAttrib2("Attribute 2");

The above code creates an instance of the class and initializes the properties. If we could use Method Chaining here, then we could have written –

MyClass mc = new MyClass().setAttrib1("Attribute 1")
    .setAttrib2("Attribute 2");

which obviously looks much better than the first version. However, to enable this type of method chaining, we need to modify MyClass in the following way –

public class MyClass {
  private String attrib1;
  private String attrib2;
  private String attrib3;
  private String attrib4;
  private String attrib5;

  public MyClass() {}

  public String getAttrib1() {
    return attrib1;

  public MyClass setAttrib1(String attrib1) {
    this.attrib1 = attrib1;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib2() {
    return attrib2;

  public MyClass setAttrib2(String attrib2) {
    this.attrib2 = attrib2;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib3() {
    return attrib3;

  public MyClass setAttrib3(String attrib3) {
    this.attrib3 = attrib3;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib4() {
    return attrib4;

  public MyClass setAttrib4(String attrib4) {
    this.attrib4 = attrib4;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib5() {
    return attrib5;

  public MyClass setAttrib5(String attrib5) {
    this.attrib5 = attrib5;
    return this;

and then we will be able to use method chaining for instances of this class. However, if we want to use method chaining where inheritance is involved, things kind of get messy –

public abstract class Parent {
  private String attrib1;
  private String attrib2;
  private String attrib3;
  private String attrib4;
  private String attrib5;

  public Parent() {}

  public String getAttrib1() {
    return attrib1;

  public Parent setAttrib1(String attrib1) {
    this.attrib1 = attrib1;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib2() {
    return attrib2;

  public Parent setAttrib2(String attrib2) {
    this.attrib2 = attrib2;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib3() {
    return attrib3;

  public Parent setAttrib3(String attrib3) {
    this.attrib3 = attrib3;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib4() {
    return attrib4;

  public Parent setAttrib4(String attrib4) {
    this.attrib4 = attrib4;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib5() {
    return attrib5;

  public Parent setAttrib5(String attrib5) {
    this.attrib5 = attrib5;
    return this;

public class Child extends Parent {
  private String attrib6;
  private String attrib7;

  public Child() {}

  public String getAttrib6() {
    return attrib6;

  public Child setAttrib6(String attrib6) {
    this.attrib6 = attrib6;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib7() {
    return attrib7;

  public Child setAttrib7(String attrib7) {
    this.attrib7 = attrib7;
    return this;

 * Now try using method chaining for instances of Child
 * in the following way, you will get compile time errors.
Child c = new Child().setAttrib1("Attribute 1").setAttrib6("Attribute 6");

The reason for this is that even though Child inherits all the setters from its parent, the return type of all those setter methods are of type Parent, not Child. So the first setter will return reference of type Parent, calling setAttrib6 on which will result in compilation error,  because it does not have any such method.

We can resolve this problem by introducing a generic type parameter on Parent and defining a recursive bound on it. All of its children will pass themselves as type argument when they extend from it, ensuring that the setter methods will return references of its type –

public abstract class Parent<T extends Parent<T>> {
  private String attrib1;
  private String attrib2;
  private String attrib3;
  private String attrib4;
  private String attrib5;

  public Parent() {

  public String getAttrib1() {
    return attrib1;

  public T setAttrib1(String attrib1) {
    this.attrib1 = attrib1;
    return (T) this;

  public String getAttrib2() {
    return attrib2;

  public T setAttrib2(String attrib2) {
    this.attrib2 = attrib2;
    return (T) this;

  public String getAttrib3() {
    return attrib3;

  public T setAttrib3(String attrib3) {
    this.attrib3 = attrib3;
    return (T) this;

  public String getAttrib4() {
    return attrib4;

  public T setAttrib4(String attrib4) {
    this.attrib4 = attrib4;
    return (T) this;

  public String getAttrib5() {
    return attrib5;

  public T setAttrib5(String attrib5) {
    this.attrib5 = attrib5;
    return (T) this;

public class Child extends Parent<Child> {
  private String attrib6;
  private String attrib7;

  public String getAttrib6() {
    return attrib6;

  public Child setAttrib6(String attrib6) {
    this.attrib6 = attrib6;
    return this;

  public String getAttrib7() {
    return attrib7;

  public Child setAttrib7(String attrib7) {
    this.attrib7 = attrib7;
    return this;

Notice that we have to explicitly cast this to type T  because compiler does not know whether or not this conversion is possible, even though it is because T by definition is bounded by Parent<T>. Also since we are casting an object reference to T, an unchecked warning will be issued by the compiler. To suppress this we used @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) above the setters.

With the above modifications, it’s perfectly valid to do this –

Child c = new Child().setAttrib1("Attribute 1")
  .setAttrib6("Attribute 6");

When writing method setters this way, we should be careful as to not to use recursive bounds for any other purposes, like to access children’s states from parent, because that will expose parent to the internal details of its subclasses and will eventually break the encapsulation.

With this post I finish the basic introduction to Generics. There are so many things that I did not discuss in this series, because I believe they are beyond the introductory level.

Until next time.

This is a continuation of an introductory discussion on generics, previous parts of which can be found here.

In this post I will focus on type parameter bounds and their usage.

Bounded Type Parameters

When a generic type is compiled, all occurrences of a type parameter are removed by the compiler and replaced by a concrete type. The compiler also generates appropriate casting needed for type safety by itself during this procedure. This concrete type is typically Object, but compiler can use other types as well. This process is called Type Erasure and will be explained in a future post. For the time being, all we need to understand is that the type information of generic types are lost once they are compiled. For this reason, if we want to access a method/property using a type parameter, we’ll typically be able to access those ones that are defined in the class Object (I am oversimplifying here as we’ll be able to access other methods/properties as well if we use a bound, which we will discuss here in this post). For example, take a look at the following code snippet –

public class MyGenericClass<E> {
    private E prop;

    public MyGenericClass(E prop) {
        this.prop = prop;

    public E getProp() {
        return this.prop;

    public void printProp() {

        //OK, because toString is defined within Object

    public int getValue() {
         * NOT OK, because Object doesn’t have
         * compareTo method. Compile-time Error.
        return this.prop.intValue();

After compiling the above class, I get the following message – error: cannot find symbol

return this.prop.intValue();


symbol:   method intValue(E)

location: variable prop of type E

where E is a type-variable:

E extends Object declared in class MyGenericClass

1 error

Although the message seems cryptic, the reason behind this is the one that I’ve stated above – when this type is compiled the type parameter E here will be replaced by Object by the compiler, and it doesn’t have intValue method.

So the problem occurs here because the compiler is using Object to replace the type parameters. If I could somehow tell the compiler to use other types during this erasure which has an intValue (Number, for example) method, then this error would have been resolved.

This is exactly what parameter bounds do. By using a type as a bound on a type parameter, I can instruct compiler to use that type during the erasure in place of Object, and then I can easily access the methods/properties defined in that type.

The general syntax for specifying a type parameter bound is as follows –

public class MyGenericClass
    <E extends MyBoundType,
     T extends AnotherBoundType,

This also tells the compiler that when a type argument is passed during an instance creation of this generic type, it will be a subtype of MyBoundType, so it can safely let us access the methods that are defined in that type using the type parameter E. If any other type is passed, then the compiler will issue a compile-time error. The extends keyword specify the bound relation between E and MyBoundType. We will use the same keyword even if E is bounded by an interface type, that is, if MyBoundType is an interface. Here extends means both classical extends and implements.

So, if we use Number as our parameter bound for our last example, the error message will be gone because now the compiler will use Number to erase type parameter E, and it has an intValue method defined in it –

public class MyGenericClass<E extends Number> {
    private E prop;

    public MyGenericClass(E prop) {
        this.prop = prop;

    public E getProp() {
        return this.prop;

    public void printProp() {
        // OK, because toString is defined within Object

    public int getValue() {
        // Now it compiles just fine!
        return this.prop.intValue();

This code will now compile just fine.

Remember our generic Insertion Sort algorithm from the first part of the series? We had declared it like this –

public class InsertionSort<E extends Comparable<E>>

This told the compiler that the type arguments that will be passed here will all implement the Comparable interface, so they will have a compareTo method. As a result, compiler allowed us to do this inside the sort method –

for (int i = 1; i <= elements.length - 1; i++) {
    E valueToInsert = elements[i];
    int holePos = i;

     * See how we are calling compareTo method
     * on the type parameter?
    while (holePos > 0 &&
            valueToInsert.compareTo(elements[holePos - 1]) < 0) {
        elements[holePos] = elements[holePos - 1];

    elements[holePos] = valueToInsert;

This example also shows that we can pass another generic type as a type parameter bound. In fact we can use all Classes, Interfaces and Enums and even another type parameter as a bound. Only primitive and array types are not allowed as a bound.

Multiple and Recursive Bounds

We can define multiple bounds on a single parameter. In this case we use the & operator to separate them from one another –

public class MyGenericClass<E extends MyBoundClass & MyBoundInterface>

This tells the compiler that the type argument that is passed will be a subclass of MyBoundClass and implement MyBoundInterface. So, we will be able to access all the methods/properties defined in those types.

The Java Language Specification requires us to list the class bound first, otherwise the compiler will throw an error. For example, the following will throw an error –

 * Will throw an error because we are not
 * listing the class bound first.
public class MyGenericClass
    <E extends MyBoundInterface
     & MyBoundClass>

We can also declare recursive bounds, so that a bound can depend on itself too. Consider again our stack example from first part of the series. We declared it like this –

public class InsertionSort<E extends Comparable<E>>

Here, the bound is recursive because E itself depends upon E (the one that is supplied to Comparator). If we pass Integer as a type argument when creating an instance of InsertionSort, then the type argument to Comparable will be Integer too.

We can also declare mutually recursive bounds like this –

public class MyGenericClass
    <T extends FirstType<T, U>,
     U extends SecondType<T, U>>
Java Enum Declaration

Let us now consider an example from the Java API itself. We all know that enumerations in Java are objects of some class, and that class extends the Enum class. The declaration of that class looks like this –

public abstract class Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
    implements Comparable<E>, Serializable

Beginners in Java Generics find the first line very confusing. Before explaining the reasoning behind this weird declaration, let us explore an example.

Suppose that we are going to build a software system which will have various types of vehicles (a vehicle simulation system, perhaps?). The vehicles will have a name and a size. We also want to compare vehicles with each other based on their size. An approach for building the vehicle classes might look like this –

public abstract class Vehicle {
    private String name;
    private double length;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public double getLength() {
        return length;

    public void setLength(double length) {
        this.length = length;

public class Car extends Vehicle implements Comparable<Car> {
    public int compareTo(Car anotherCar) {
        double thisLength = this.getLength();
        double thatLength = anotherCar.getLength();

        if (thisLength > thatLength)
            return 1;
        else if (thisLength < thatLength)
            return -1;

        return 0;

    // other methods and properties

public class Bus extends Vehicle implements Comparable<Bus> {
    public int compareTo(Bus anotherBus) {
        double thisLength = this.getLength();
        double thatLength = anotherBus.getLength();

        if (thisLength > thatLength)
            return 1;
        else if (thisLength < thatLength)
            return -1;

        return 0;

    // other methods and properties

The problem of the above implementation is pretty obvious – even though the compare method implementations are almost the same among all the subtypes of Vehicle, we still have to maintain different copies of this method. This creates a maintenance problem as now changing the comparison logic forces us to change the code in many places.

To remedy this, we can remove the comparison from the subtypes and move it up in the Vehicle. To do this, we will rewrite those classes as follows –

public abstract class Vehicle implements Comparable<Vehicle> {
    private String name;
    private double length;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public double getLength() {
        return length;

    public void setLength(double length) {
        this.length = length;

    public int compareTo(Vehicle anotherVehicle) {
        double thisLength = this.getLength();
        double thatLength = anotherVehicle.getLength();

        if (thisLength > thatLength)
            return 1;
        else if (thisLength < thatLength)
            return -1;

        return 0;

public class Car extends Vehicle {
    // car-specific methods and properties

public class Bus extends Vehicle {
    // bus-specific methods and properties

This approach also has a problem. The above implementation will allow us to compare a car with a bus without any errors –

Car car = new Car();

Bus bus = new Bus();

car.compareTo(bus);    // No error

This is certainly a problem, since comparing a bus with a car should not be done using the same logic that is used to compare a car with a car.

How can we solve this? How can we reuse the comparison logic among all the subtypes, while at the same time raising error flags at compile time whenever someone tries to compare two incompatible types?

In the last example the problem occurred because the compareTo method has a parameter which is of type Vehicle. As a result we were able to pass any subtypes of Vehicle to it, like the way we passed a bus to compare with a car. Let’s try to change the type of this parameter so that now this kind of mixing generates an error. If we want to allow the comparison of a car only with a car, then the argument to the compareTo method must be of type Car. If we change it to Car, we will also need to change the type argument that we are passing to Comparable in the Vehicle class declaration –

public abstract class Vehicle implements Comparable<Car> {
    // other methods and properties

    public int compareTo(Car car) {
        // method implementation

But then this will not allow us to compare any other types. We will not be able to compare a bus with another bus. To allow this, we will need to change the parameter to be of type Bus. If we declare a new subtype named Cycle, we will also need this method to support this type too! So we can see that the parameter type of this compare method should vary if we need to enforce compatible comparison.

From the above discussion it’s clear that we need to parameterize the parameter type of the compareTo method, and in turn, parameterize the Vehicle class itself. If we do this, we will then be able to pass Car, Bus, and Cycle etc. as its type argument, which in turn will be used as the parameter type of the compare method. In general, after we declare Vehicle as a generic type, all of its subtypes will pass themselves as a type argument while extending from it, so that the parameter type of this compareTo method matches their type –

public abstract class Vehicle<E> implements Comparable<E> {
    // other methods and properties

    public int compareTo(E vehicle) {
        // method implementation

* Now this class’s compareTo version will take a Car type
* as its argument.
public class Car extends Vehicle<Car> {}

* Now this class’s compareTo version will take a Bus type
* as its argument.
public class Bus extends Vehicle<Bus> {}

* Doing something like this will now generate a
* compile-time error.

This approach solves our last problem that we were facing, but introduces a new one. After converting Vehicle to a generic type and using the type parameter as the parameter type of the compare method, it looks like this –

public int compareTo(E anotherVehicle) {
    double thisLength = this.getLength();

    // Now the following line is an error.
    double thatLength = anotherVehicle.getLength();

    if (thisLength > thatLength)
        return 1;
    else if (thisLength < thatLength)
        return -1;

    return 0;

Since we didn’t put any bound on the type parameter, and Object class doesn’t have a getLength method, compiler will generate an error. We get to call this method on a variable of type E only if it’s bounded by Vehicle itself, because then compiler will know that variables of this type will have this method. So our compare method will work only if E is bounded by Vehicle itself! After this modification, the classes look like below –

public abstract class Vehicle<E extends Vehicle<E>>
        implements Comparable<E> {

    private String name;
    private double length;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public double getLength() {
        return length;

    public void setLength(double length) {
        this.length = length;

    public int compareTo(E anotherVehicle) {
        double thisLength = this.getLength();
        double thatLength = anotherVehicle.getLength();

        if (thisLength > thatLength)
            return 1;
        else if (thisLength < thatLength)
            return -1;

        return 0;

public class Car extends Vehicle<Car> {
    // Car-specific properties and methods

public class Bus extends Vehicle<Bus> {
    // Bus-specific properties and methods

// and in main
Car car = new Car();

Bus bus = new Bus();

car.compareTo(car);       // Works as expected
car.compareTo(bus);       // compile-time error

Even with the above example, a certain kind of type mixing is possible. Rather than discussing it here, I am going to leave it to you to figure it out. If you can’t, check out the next post of this series!

I guess now you know why the Enum class is declared in that way. This kind of recursive bound allows us to write methods in a supertype which will take its subtypes as its arguments, or returns them as return value. I encourage you to check out the source code of the Enum class to find out these methods.

That’s it for today. Stay tuned for the next post!


  1. Java Generics and Collections
  2. Java Generics FAQs by Angelika Langer